About Guerrilla Blog

Orvel Ray Wilson, CSP 

Welcome to the Guerrilla Marketing Blog, with exclusive content by Orvel Ray Wilson, Co-Author of the Original Guerrilla Marketing series of books.

Check back for tips, tools, reports & discussions every week!

 We look forward to helping apply our successful Guerrilla Marketing tactics to your business!


He will inspire and motivate any audience, but more importantly, he will arm them with unconventional weapons and tactics that they can use right now to win in today’s hyper-competitive environment.

He holds the highest earned certification conferred by the speaking industry: Certified Speaking Professional. Fewer than 300 professional speakers worldwide have earned this distinction.

In 2001 he was honored as “Speaker of the Year” by Meeting Professionals International, San Diego.

From a forty-five minute keynote to a three-day bootcamp with ropes, his programs are entertaining, informative and devastatingly effective.  He will customize his presentation to fit your business, your schedule, and your budget.

In more than 20 years on the platform, Orvel Ray has worked in a wide range of industries, including:  Travel, Hotel, Computer, Software, Electronics, Telecommunications, Real-Estate, Photography, Textiles, Manufacturing, Airline, Health Care,  Retail, Technology, Military, Insurance.

A full-time speaker since 1980, his client list has grown to include many industry leaders including IBM, United Airlines, Marriott Hotels, and Microsoft.  He has been a featured speaker at the prestigious Inc. Small Business Forums, and has appeared as a topical expert on CNN.
He taught in the Management Development Programs for the University of Colorado and the University of Denver, and created innovative business courses for Harbridge House, the University of Toledo, the Spring Institute for International Studies, and Australia’s Canberra College of Advanced Education.  He even pioneered workshops on capitalism for the Tyumen School of Management in the Russian Republic.
A leader in the industry as well, Orvel Ray was elected President of the Colorado National Speakers Association in 1986, and served two additional terms on their Board of Directors.  He also served as Chair of the Writer’s and Publishers Professional Expert Group for NSA.

He has led more than a thousand large-audience seminars and on-site workshops including “Guerrilla Selling,” “Guerrilla Marketing,” “Guerrilla Trade Show Selling,” “Guerrilla TeleSelling,” “Guerrilla Negotiating,” “Customer Service Excellence,” and “Guerrilla Presentations”.
A best-selling Author: including Guerrilla Selling, Guerrilla Trade Show Selling, Guerrilla TeleSelling, Guerrilla Negotiating, and Guerrilla Retailing, and numerous audio and video programs distributed worldwide.

Business Guru: who’s work has been quoted in INC., The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and dozens of trade journals in a dozen languages.

A standing-ovation keynoter: “In the ten years I’ve been Executive Director of the Texas Pest Control Association, I’ve never seen them give a speaker a standing ovation, until you spoke to our group last night.”
That gets results: “Our deposits are up more than 12 MILLION dollars in the past 12 months, more than 24 percent growth since we completed your training.” Arrowhead Credit Union.

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